I know that this sounds silly,
but I swear this tale is true;
and you can laugh all you want;
truth is, I would too.
But I tell you that that snowman—
the one just right outside,
was built last night by goblins
with wrinkly little hides.
I know that sounds ridiculous,
but I'm telling you the truth.
only problem that I have—
my tale is lacking proof.
But if proof is what I need
for you all to believe,
I'll have that proof come morning
through a plan I have conceived.
I'm going to wait behind that tree
and see what I can see,
and never doubt that I will have
my camera there with me.
The sun began to say farewell,
and fled the western sky.
The time had come for me to show
my story was no lie.
I settled in behind that tree,
my camera there with me
and shivered in the bitter cold,
but waited patiently.
I hadn't been there very long
when I heard an awful thump,
as something white and fluffy
smashed into the old tree's trunk!
The Goblins! My mind surely reeled.
I knew they would return!
Still, I waited there a bit,
for patience is precious, I've learned.
But soon my curiosity
could no longer be denied.
So I dared to take a peek,
and was surprised at what I spied.
Three goblins tossing snowballs,
and frolicking merrily.
and in their joy they hadn't seen
me hidden behind the tree.
I couldn't help but giggle,
as they tackled the largest one.
I must admit, I dearly wished
to join them in their fun.
But I was here with purpose,
my story needed proof ...
and I must get a picture now
to show my tale is truth.
Cautiously, I swung around
the backside of the tree.
I really hoped with all my heart
those fellas wouldn't see.
But they just kept on playing,
with never a worry or care.
And laughing so outrageously,
as the big one yelled, "No Fair!"
I should have snapped the shot just then,
that’s what I should have done.
But I was so enjoying this,
while the goblins had their fun.
I watched them caper through the night,
what fun those fellas were!
They laughed and played with so much joy,
it seemed just so absurd.
But sadly, I got careless,
and gave my leg a shift …
sitting there for oh, so long,
had made the limb quite stiff.
At the sound of snapping twigs,
they knew they weren't alone.
And to my utmost sorrow,
they hurriedly scampered home.
But, as the goblins ran away,
I shouted, "Don't be afraid.
I never meant to run you off,
I'd be happy if you stayed."
Yet run they did, and they didn't look back,
and vanished down the street.
But even so, I knew for sure
my night had been complete.
I walked into my house that night
with a smile within my heart.
That smile quickly faded though,
as I realized with a start …
I forgot to take my pictures
and I hadn't gotten proof,
so how can I ever expect
that you will know the truth.
Back out I went into the snow,
for the camera was still outside.
And as I neared that big old tree,
a surprise there I did find
My camera was still lying there,
but also in the snow,
were three sets of goblin prints,
that set my face aglow.
It seems they had a tunnel,
dug out of a snowdrift
And there inside my camera
was the goblins’ little gift,
A single color photo
of the goblins and their toy,
them posing with their snowman!
Ha! That filled my heart with joy!
And so today I’ve offered proof,
that goblin thing was true.
I've even showed the world abroad
that goblins have fun too.
But I'm just happy to have done
the plan I had conceived.
So that’s all right, it truly is,
if you still don’t believe.
Keith E. Sparks Jr.
Copyright © 2004, 2019
Written in 2004, First Published in Keith's book "Facets" in 2019 and slated to be republished as a children's book.