I met my new best friend one day while playing hide and seek. The best of friends a girl can have today or any week. While hiding in the bushes so no one else could see. I found a brightly colored egg covered in some weeds. I gently brushed the weeds away and wiped off all the dirt. I rubbed it oh so gently with the bottom of my shirt. It wasn't just one color. It had blue and red and green. I'm sure it was the largest egg that I had ever seen. Far bigger than a hummingbird a robin or a wren. Bigger than a big Ole crow or a mother hens. But I didn't see its mother so I couldn't know what kind, or know exactly what it was the egg must have inside. I wondered what its mother was and where she might have gone. "Why had she gone and left her egg in a place it doesnt belong?" That really had me worried about leaving it alone. But the egg was far too heavy for just me to carry home. So as I sat there thinking about what I should do I heard a gentle tapping as I reached to tie my shoe. The egg now had a little crack running down one side. It started out real tiny, but then it opened wide. What was inside was a surprise that I did not expect. A scaly little creature with wings and a long neck It's eyes were brightly colored, one purple and one blue, And set out wide above a snout of tiny teeth to chew. It's tongue was long and flicked about as if to taste the air and a set of golden horns peeked out its tuft of hair. Its purple scales were shiny and glittered in the sun. But when I realized what it was I felt like I should run! A dragon, yes that's what it was It's what it had to be. I was worried that it's mom would come back and eat me. So I prepared to walk away and gave the beast a pat. But as I turned to leave that day the dragon stole my hat! It ran away and down the hill expecting me to chase and as I tried to get my hat it turned into a race. We ran and played and romped around Until the sky grew dark And rain clouds started forming high Up above the park. The dragons mom did not appear and I had to go home. I couldn't leave it in the rain all cold and all alone. So I took it home with me and snuck it to my room. It promptly jumped up on my bed and took a dragon snooze. My mom was making dinner, my dad would be home soon. I wondered what they'd think about the dragon in my room I bet they'd let me keep it if I promised to be good and take good care of my new pet as any owner should. So I ran to find my mom to ask her what she thought and tell her all about the baby dragon that I caught. "A dragon dear? Oh me oh my I bet that was a find. Since no one's seen a dragon here since 1829. Dragons don't exist my dear, they're dreams and make believe. I love they way you think of things and tales you can conceive. I promise you if you can find a dragon pet these days I'll let you bring your dragon home and even let it stay." I gave squeal and rushed about grabbing up some snacks. I had great news she'll want to hear so I had to hurry back. "My mom said I can keep you! I'll call you Sally May. We can be the best of friends, She said that you can stay." "Hide and seek will be our game, Tea parties we'll have too. We'll take walks, and swim alot and visits to the zoo." "Dress up and play doctor, play dollies and Bake cakes. I'll even teach you how to fly and how to roller skate." "I know that you are hungry. But try not to eat too much. You were busy being born when it was time for lunch." Just then my mom walked through the door To tell me it was time. Dinners done and dad was home and he brought key lime pie "Well hello mom , come on inside and meet miss Sally May! The dragon that if I could find you said that it could stay!"
Keith E. Sparks Jr. Copyright © 2017
Slated to be published as a children's book.