One wonders where emotion ends
and logic's prodigy truly begins.
I have seen the fragmented soul, helpless
The pieces scatter across a vinyl table
where frayed edges mask the lines
and corners go unseen.
Where broken frameworks collapse,
distorting the faded image
puzzling over pieces lost
to a past left tucked away
and filed for safe keeping.
Whose skeletal key now dwells
in depths of unwanted emotion.
Our vacant pieces defy the logic
and deny the will to fit them end to end.
As yellowed white obscures the curves
of every shape and patterned color
that once had fit so neatly...
The tattered lines trace the memory
with fingertips over the empty spaces
as lingering phantoms mourn the colors
and the missing pieces of you...
Copyright © 2021
By Keith E. Sparks Jr.
First Appeared in Quintessence By Soul Poet Society 2021
Available on Amazon