Protectively, the rain masks my torment,
a steady rhythm pattering on shoulders...
The end draws near with strangled sobs
comfortably drowned by nature's tears,
mingled with...
You tell me you need time, time to heal,
to rediscover what was somehow lost
--to the past, to the future, forever...
You reaffirm that you need this in your life.
Yet, shatter possibilities with reckless abandon
imprisoning emotion in self-created exile...
I retreat within, quickly turning the key,
a desperate attempt to preserve that which you
have helped me, inspired me, to become...
But shadows are looming, the siren's call sings
for a return to darkness, and I am afraid.
Blessedly, the rain masks fallen tears
as thunder gives voice to unspoken sorrow.
I offer hollow smiles, emotionally veiled,
and whisper false truths to convince you
I am fine, all the while wishing I could be...
You tell me you are happy with him, and assure
that things have changed, that he has changed.
I’ll not burden love with a fool’s pettiness.
It is true that I will always despise him,
the pain inflicted will fuel rage for eternity.
But you are convinced of his humility,
offering forgiveness for bruises you've borne
and will no longer hear my voice over the lies.
So the shadows draw near as you cast me aside
asking me to return to the darkness. I am afraid.
But for you, I will return to shadow.
You tell me I am and will always be
of your heart, and that this is not goodbye.
But your eyes speak a different truth
and the rain can no longer mask my pain...
As faint light fades outside your home
and I face my final farewell in darkness
I am afraid.
Keith E Sparks Jr.
Copyright © 2004