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Somewhere Down the Yellow Brick Road

Inside these pages are the poetic works of: Johanne Lee, Jimmy Broccoli, Gavin Prinsloo, Curtis Raynard, Candina Ann, D.A. Simpson, Debbie Clewer, Suzanne Newman, Tony Baksa, Keith E. Sparks Jr., Ross Leishman, Trinity-Me Myself and I, Brian Keith and Courtney Glover. All proceeds from this amazing and one-of-a-kind collection will be donated to the Save The Children charity.

Open Skies Poetry: Volume 2


A beautiful collection of poetry that includes poems from the following poets:

Dibyasree Nandy, D.A. Simpson, Ross Leishman, May Lene Reodique, Courtney Glover, Brian Keith, Tony Baksa, Brian Smith, Usman Ibrahim Bulangu, Michael Wyngaert, Curtis Raynard, Calliope Wordsmith, Celesia Parker, Melani Udaeta, Alshaad Kara, Gavin Prinsloo, Rafik Romdhani, Debbie Clewer, Steven Fortune, Johanne Lee, Nardine Sanderson, Kay Watkins, Kanwalpreet Baidwan, Sabiha Afrose, Swayam Prashant, Michael Hislop, Suzanne Newman, Abigirl Phiri, SBR(the Rose) Sarah Ramphal, Luna~Rose, Nicholas Gentile , Paul Gilliland, Antoinette Digiorgio, and Candina Ann.



Myths, Legends and Lore: An Open Skies Collection


Myths, Legends and Lore is an incomparable collection of transcendent poetry concerning myths, legends, and lore from around the world. Inside these pages, you'll find one-of-a-kind poetry from notable poets whose otherworldly works you'll surely love.

Including works from Rhiannon Owens, Paul Gilliland, Courtney Glover, Brian Smith, Calliope Wordsmith, Tony Baksa, Lynn White, Dibyasree Nandy, Robin Michelle Payne, Brian Keith, Gavin Prinsloo, Elaine Yanni Fink, Birendu Kr Sinha, Johanne Lee, Bobby Mask, Debbie Clewer, M. Griswold, Melani Udaet a, Usha N Shrinivaasun, and Madu Gangopadhyay.

Dark Reflections: An Open Skies Collection

Dark Reflections is a collection of dark musings, macabre ink and frightening tales that will surely haunt your dreams.


Poets include: Rhiannon Owens, Robin Michelle Payne, Courtney Glover, Jamie Santomasso, Melanie Garfinkel Waknine, Ross Leishman, Jimmy Broccoli, Usha N Shrinivaasun, Debbie Clewer, Paul Gilliland, Michael Coyle, Melanie Udaeta, Dibyasree Nandy, Evie Groch, Linda M. Crate, Brian Smith, Antoinette Corbell DiGiorgio, Brian Keith, Josh West, John Grey, Curtis Raynard, Christopher Keeley & CJ Wills, Johanne Lee, Calliope Wordsmith, Gavin Prinsloo, Celesia Parker, Max Bindi, Tony Baksa, Keith Sparks, and Jennine Lee Pike.





Open Skies Poetry: Volume 1

Open Skies Poetry: Volume 1 is a unique collection of poetry from authors around the world.


Featuring the following poets:

Rhiannon Owens, Ross Leishman, Debbie Clewer, Melani Udaeta, Maid Čorbić, Jimmy Broccoli, Tom Barlow, Maria Evelyn Q. Soleta, John Grey, Ndaba Sibanda, Gary Percesepe, Patricia Walsh, Karen Richards, Joseph A. Farina, Bolualabi. O, Kathy Jo Bryant (Poetree), Swayam Prashant, Aleksandra Vujisić, Stephanie Daich, Linda Imbler, Carol Aronoff, Kay Watkins, Jaber RC, Paul Edward Costa, Jude Brigley, Carol Tahir, Janelle Erin Elizabeth Peters, May Lene Riodique, Courtney Glover, TAK Erzinger, Nkrumah Bankong-Obi, Sofia Kioroglou, Melanie Garfinkel Waknine, David Ehrgott, Evie Groch, Allison Grayhurst, Luisa Reyes, Nardine Sanderson, Dibyasree Nandy, Carl Scharwath, Weslea Sidon, Marianne Tefft, Steven Bruce, Wayne Russell, Kimberly Green, Charlotte Steenburg, D.A. Simpson, Chris Bulteel, Tim Kahl, Daniel Moreschi, Amit Shankar Saha, Grace Matson, Don Narkevic, Renee Butner, Celesia Parker, Robin Michele Payne, Arun Hariharan, Brechtje Moen, Laurie Lambert, Lynn White, Melanie Flores, Shunant Wharton, Johanne Lee, Julie Bolt, Jennifer O’Shea, Zachary Guadamour, Pendraig the poet, and Carolyn Donnell.

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Open Skies 

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